Preparatory phase of 3rd Field Trial

Under the framework of Work Package 6 of BorderUAS, from the 7th until the 19th of May 2024, Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) along with the rest of BorderUAS Consortium joined forces in the countryside of Evros region, N. Greece.

The two-week preparatory phase of the 3rd Pilot, which served to introduce its operational counterpart, laid the groundwork for scenario execution, involving payload assemblance tasks, as well as workflow integration procedures and technical testing.

The necessary actions for the BorderUAS 3rd Pilot are supported by the project’s Technical Partners & End-users from four (4) countries, namely HPO (Greece), CDBP (Bulgaria), IGPF MAI (Moldova), ITPFT (Romania), with necessary operational cases involved in the testing and the evaluation of the innovative BorderUAS solution.