Press Release: 2nd Review Meeting

This autumn, the BorderUAS project accomplished another important milestone. The 2nd Progress Review Meeting was held on November 10th online and lasted for a full day. The meeting was attended by the Commission, two external experts who were evaluating the work completed so far, representatives from FRONTEX and representatives of all 17 consortium partners.

The period under review was from June 2021 through September 2022 and all project accomplishments were presented using a result-based summary. The promotional video, an hour-long live and video demonstrations section, and informative presentations related to the work progress, challenges and achievements were featured during this online meeting to enable the Commission and the experts to better understand the advancements of BorderUAS. The Consortium partners had the chance to discuss, clarify and resolve issues, and at the same time to communicate all new results to all partners involved.

The general feedback from both the Commission and the experts was really positive and encouraging for the continuation of the project. Although a lot of work still needs to be carried out, the reviewers emphasized the excellent work completed thus far and recognizing the project’s potential and dynamics. In order to accomplish the desired outcome, the consortium partners are committed to keep up with the hard work and reach all milestones of BorderUAS project.

The Consortium

Coordinator: SIMAVI (RO), Partners: Vicomtech (ES), Hipersfera (HR), AVT (HR), DIAN (IT), DIRACS (SER), ADITESS (CY), TUC (GR) , IMP(SER), KEMEA (GR), Hellenic Police (GR), CDBP of Bulgaria (BG), IPTFT (RO), IGPF MAI (MD), SBGS of Ukraine (UKR), MITLA (MT), FORTH (GR)


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