Press Release: Plenary Meeting in Zagreb

After twenty four months of work progress, the BorderUAS project organized and hosted the first physical plenary meeting between the 8th to the 10th of June 2022. The consortium members had the chance to meet in person for the first time in Zagreb, Croatia discussing on a rich agenda for two and half days.

During the first day, the consortium focused more on the technical aspects of the project and the specific sensors that will be used for the final solutions of BorderUAS. Updates, status of progress, demonstration of some sensors and the future steps were presented by the leader partners of each component. The day concluded with a very interesting visit to Hipersfera’s premises where the airship is being constructed. Thus the partners had the opportunity to see the work in progress and the first parts that have been developed so far (the cover materials , the skeleton of the airship, the propelers, and other custom made features). 

During the second day, the conversations focused on overall approaches and progress of the project, some risks and challenges we have encountered and the way forward. Additionally, there was discussions covering the promotion of the project regarding the dissemination of the results and the exploitation steps of the BorderUAS solution. The second half of the day was coverd by mini workshops on the ontology and use cases, the pilots’ planning and execution and also the integration processes. These workshops proved to be really helpful and problem solving paving the way for the next steps of the project. A beautiful dinner at a traditional place in town of Zagreb was the best way to finish off a very productive day , where the partners managed to get to know each other better in a nice more personal and social atmosphere.

The last day, was dedicated to conclude on some decisions on the integration issues , and the data fusion that will be collected from all different sensors mounted on the airship. It was a great pleasure to meet all these people in person. We resume with hard working and we are looking forward to seeing each other soon for our next meeting at a new destination.

Stay tuned!

The Consortium

Coordinator: SIMAVI (RO), Partners: Vicomtech (ES), Hipersfera (HR), AVT (HR), DIAN (IT), DIRACS (SER), ADITESS (CY), TUC (GR) , IMP(SER), KEMEA (GR), Hellenic Police (GR), CDBP of Bulgaria (BG), IPTFT (RO), IGPF MAI (MD), SBGS of Ukraine (UKR), MITLA (MT), FORTH (GR)


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